Current Issue
2024 Vol.12, Issue 4
Enhancement of Electrical Resistivity in Low-temperature Curing Silver Paste by Mixing Silver Powders with Different Particle Size Distribution
입도 분포가 다른 은의 혼합을 통한 저온 경화 은 페이스트의 비저항 개선에 관한 연구
Jiyeon Moon, Hyunsoo Lim, Sung Hyun Kim
문지연, 임현수, 김성현
Enhancement of Electrical Resistivity in Low-temperature Curing Silver Paste by Mixing Silver Powders with Different Particle Size Distribution
Research Trends in Electron Transport Layers and Stability for PM6:Y6-based Organic Solar Cells
PM6:Y6 기반 유기 태양전지를 위한 전자 수송층과 안정성 연구 동향
Hye Seon Shin, Dong Hwan Yun, Yun Hye Jeong, Gwang Youg Shin, Young Chae Cho, Gi-Hwan Kim
신혜선, 윤동환, 정윤혜, 신광용, 조영채, 김기환
Research Trends in Electron Transport Layers and Stability for PM6:Y6-based Organic Solar Cells
Trends of Metal Halide Additives into Quasi-2D Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes
준-2차원 페로브스카이트 발광 다이오드의 금속 할라이드 첨가제 연구 동향
Gwang Yong Shin, Donghwan Yun, Yunhye Jeong, Youngchae Cho, Hyeseon Shin, Pasaribu Donny Maruli, Seungmin Baek, Mihyun Kim, Harin Kim, Gi-Hwan Kim
신광용, 윤동환, 정윤혜, 조영채, 신혜선, PasaribuDonny Maruli, 백승민, 김미현, 김하린, 김기환
Trends of Metal Halide Additives into Quasi-2D Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes
Optimization Strategy for Passivation of Perovskite thin Films via Anti-solvent Additive Method
최적화된 Anti-solvent 첨가물 방법을 이용한 페로브스카이트 박막 패시베이션
Wonjong Lee, Muhammad Adnan, Zobia Irshad, Sunkyu Kim, Siwon Yun, Hyeji Han, Jongchul Lim
이원종, MuhammadAdnan, ZobiaIrshad, 김선규, 윤시원, 한혜지, 임종철
Optimization Strategy for Passivation of Perovskite thin Films via Anti-solvent Additive Method
Enhancement of CO2 Reduction Performance and Ethanol Selectivity of Gas Diffusion Electrodes by Optimizing Copper Deposition Conditions
구리 증착 조건에 따른 가스확산전극의 이산화탄소 환원 성능 및 에탄올 선택성 향상
Chaewon Seong, Jiwon Heo, Jun-Seok Ha
성채원, 허지원, 하준석
Enhancement of CO2 Reduction Performance and Ethanol Selectivity of Gas Diffusion Electrodes by Optimizing Copper Deposition Conditions
Study on the Maximum Power of Flexible Shingled Photovoltaic Modules with Color Films for BIPV Applications
BIPV 적용을 위한 컬러 필름 기반 유연 슁글드 태양광 모듈의 출력 특성 연구
Kiseok Jeon, Min-Joon Park, Sung-Mi Youn, Jonghyeok Lee, Chaehwan Jeong
전기석, 박민준, 윤성민, 이종혁, 정채환
Study on the Maximum Power of Flexible Shingled Photovoltaic Modules with Color Films for BIPV Applications
Performance Prediction and Validation of Fence-Type Bifacial PV Systems Across Rural Sites Based on Bifaciality Factors
양면발전 계수에 따른 농어촌용 펜스형 양면 PV 시스템의 발전량 예측 및 검증
Jeonghun Park, Ho-Jun Jung, Hyeongno Lee, Chang-Sik Son, Donghyun Hwang
박정훈, 정호준, 이형로, 손창식, 황동현
Performance Prediction and Validation of Fence-Type Bifacial PV Systems Across Rural Sites Based on Bifaciality Factors
- Photoelectrodeposition of NiMo Catalyst on Cu2O Photocathodes for Enhanced Solar-to-Hydrogen Energy Conversion
- Ji Hoon Choi, Ji Hye Jeong, Hak Hyeon Lee, Hyung Koun Cho